Flanders is realising ambitious packaging recycling goals with high-tech recycling plant ecoo Beringen

New state-of-the-art recycling centre specialises in foil-to-foil recycling

Beringen, - Ecoo Beringen, a brand-new, state-of-the art recycling centre in Beringen in Limburg, is the first recycling plant in Belgium to provide foil-to-foil recycling of polyethylene foil (PE foil), the plastic that is used, among others, in the outer packaging of multipacks and in packaging bags. Allowing Fost Plus, Biostoom Beringen and ecoo Group to jointly create a high-quality recycling solution for this type of packaging.

In May 2021, Flemish Minister of Environment Zuhal Demir symbolically placed the first stone, and today, the new high-tech foil-to-foil recycling plant ecoo Beringen will be officially opened. The new recycling centre represents an investment of some 47 million euros and will create 30 new, local jobs.

Our goal? Making packaging circular

The plant will annually recycle about 42,000 tons of packaging materials into regranulates, which will be used for blown film applications, garbage bags or new packaging films. Fost Plus’s New Blue Bag will have an important share in this production, because the bag will be provide 25,000 tons of plastic packaging waste made of polyethylene foil from households, which will then be recycled into regranulates.

Fost Plus is making continuous efforts to create additional recycling capacity for plastic packaging materials. The plant in Beringen is the first of five new recycling plants, which will jointly recycle more than 75% of the plastic packaging materials in Belgium by 2024. In 2021, this still amounted to 12%. Thanks to the introduction of the New Blue Bag, an additional 8 kilograms of plastic is collected per person each year. Belgium has achieved a recycling percentage of 52% (in 2021) with respect to plastic waste and is exceeding the European targets (50% in 2025).

Fost Plus-  Ecoo - Beringen
Wim Geens, managing director of Fost Plus, about ecoo Beringen: “This is the first recycling plant in Belgium for new types of packaging collected by means of the New Blue Bag, allowing us to further close the materials loop. This will largely contribute to Fost Plus reaching its goal to create a recycling solution for each type of packaging on the market. Raw materials are being used again thanks to this recycling process. Moreover, as recycling is done locally, we avoid the use of long-haul transportation and thus the emission of greenhouse gasses.”

State-of-the-art technology for qualitative recycling

Wim Van Den Bossche and Koen Verhaert of ecoo Group are proud of the achievement: “The plant is a true innovation within the sector. The latest technologies are used to recycle intricately sorted materials: three high-tech mechanical recycling lines, a real-time monitoring system based on artificial intelligence, and a digital platform with quality control for international standardisation of r-LDPE (recycled low density polyethylene). Allowing us to produce near-virgin raw materials.”
"The new site fits with ecoo Group’s long-term strategy. To us, the evolution to near-virgin quality of circular raw materials, and long-term partnerships constitute the basis for further development of the sector. With the new site in Beringen, we are taking major steps towards locally embedding the recycling process and we continue to be leader in Europe with respect to recycling of household plastic waste.”
“By constantly attracting innovative and circular projects, we help to further develop a recycling hub in Limburg. As we are doing through our partnership with Fost Plus and ecoo Beringen. Our biosteam power plant will sustainably convert the waste materials that cannot be recycled in the new recycling centre, into energy to be used by the recycling centre”, says Ludo Kelchtermans, CEO of Nuhmah, the Limburg climate company that helped make this investment possible.
From left to right: Wim Van Den Bossche - Ludo Kelchtermans - Koen Verhaert - Wim Geens
From left to right: Wim Van Den Bossche - Ludo Kelchtermans - Koen Verhaert - Wim Geens


About Biostoom Beringen

Biostoom Beringen is operating the new biosteam power plant, which is producing high-quality steam by burning non-hazardous and non-recyclable waste. The steam is then put to optimum use by means of dynamic heat supply and by efficiently converting it into electricity. Biostoom Beringen is a subsidiary of Bionerga NV. Bionerga NV’s shareholders are Limburg.net and Nuhma cvbva. ​

About ecoo group

Ecoo group has 30 years of experience in recycling of mixed household plastics. We are closing the loop by recycling post-consumer plastics into secondary raw materials and products as cost-efficiently and in the most ecological way possible. This way, we guarantee the citizens that they help the circular economy by sorting plastics at home. https://www.ecoo.eu/en

Nathalie Verhaert ​

Valerie Bruyninckx

Corporate Communication & PR Manager, Fost Plus

Florence Baekelandt

Consultant, Whyte Corporate Affairs



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About Fost Plus

Fost Plus is a non-profit organisation responsible for the selective collection, sorting and recycling of household packaging waste in Belgium. Through organisation, funding and communication, we implement the circular packaging economy. We recycle 95% of the household packaging on the market every year thanks to the efficient collection of glass, paper-cardboard and PMD.

Packaging management has evolved firmly in the direction of sustainable materials and ressource management. To this end, we work closely with all parties concerned: companies, federations, authorities, intermunicipalities, collection, sorting and recycling companies and the general public. Fost Plus was established in 1994 on the instigation of the industry and commerce, and operates in all three regions of the country. By joining the collective system of Fost Plus, packaging companies contribute to a more sustainable society and a cleaner world for all. www.fostplus.be