A fourth recycling centre in Belgium for plastic materials from the blue bag

An important step in creating a circular economy for household packaging in Belgium

- Continuing to pursue its circular economy goals, Fost Plus announces the awarding of a contract for the construction of a fourth recycling centre in Belgium. This plant, which is to be located in in the province of Luxembourg, will be run by Morssinkhof Rymoplast Group. The new plant will recycle PET trays and bottles into secondary raw materials, largely for the production of new trays and bottles.

With the standardisation of the New Blue Bag in all the intermunicipalities since October 2021, Fost Plus ensures that virtually all plastic household packaging waste is collected. The materials are now sorted in five high-tech centres. The final step to be taken in the creation of a circular economy for household packaging is the capacity to recycle it in Belgium. Even though 79% of household packaging materials are already recycled here, this share is still limited for plastics. Following the announcement in 2020 of the signing of contracts for three new recycling centres for plastic packaging materials, this fourth contract marks a new stage. This approach addresses a long-term vision, from both an ecological and an economic point of view, including in particular the creation of local jobs in a stable sector.

Céline Tellier, Walloon Minister of the Environment: “I am delighted that this new recycling plant is to be established in Wallonia, contributing to job stability in the region and enabling local investments. The awarding of this contract clearly positions Belgium as the European leader in household packaging recycling.”

European precursor in the recycling of PET trays

Fost Plus has awarded Morssinkhof Rymoplast Group a nine-year contract for the annual recycling of 10,500 tonnes of PET tubs and 17,000 tonnes of PET bottles. MOPET Belgium, the new recycling plant that will be built for this purpose in Neufchâteau, will be revolutionary at the European level in terms of efficient, large scale recycling of PET trays. In addition, the majority will be used for a tray-to-tray application. MOPET Belgium will also recycle transparent clear, transparent blue, transparent coloured and opaque PET bottles; a large part of which will be used to produce new bottles.

Stefan Morssinkhof, owner of Morssinkhof Rymoplast, says: “We are investing EUR 30 million to build this new plant, which will set a new standard in the recycling of complex PET materials such as PET trays and opaque PET bottles. We are proud to be able to extend our activities to Belgium, a recycling centre at the heart of Europe”.
Wim Geens, Managing Director of Fost Plus, concludes: “The awarding of this contract and the guarantee of an efficient recycling of secondary raw materials in our country bring the circular economy full circle. 95% of the volume supplied by Fost Plus is once again destined for the Belgian market. We realise the Belgian and European targets for the recycling of plastic packaging while providing a practical answer for citizens who want to know what happens to the contents of their blue bag.”
Joëlle Bastin, General Inspector of the Soil and Waste Department of the Walloon Region: “I am delighted that the sorting effort made by the citizen allows the creation of local jobs and value-added activities for the Walloon territory. This would not have been possible without a strong and shared will by the Regions and by Fost Plus through its Agreement. A very good example of circular economy.”

Economical development

The plant with a total annual capacity of 40,000 tonnes, MOPET Belgium, will be located in Neufchâteau on the Ardenne Logistics business park of the IDELUX intermunicipal company. When it starts up at the end of 2023, 50 full-time jobs will be created.

Elie Deblire, President of IDELUX: “This new recycling plant is an important link in the economic development of the province of Luxembourg. Not only will sustainable jobs be created in a sector of the future, but this project will also develop indirect jobs and a sustainable industrial activity in line with the challenges of our society.”

Fact Sheet PET Trays Neufchâteau

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Valerie Bruyninckx

Corporate Communication & PR Manager, Fost Plus

Jean-Sébastien de Halleux

Consultant, Whyte Corporate Affairs


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About Fost Plus

Fost Plus is a non-profit organisation responsible for the selective collection, sorting and recycling of household packaging waste in Belgium. Through organisation, funding and communication, we implement the circular packaging economy. We recycle 95% of the household packaging on the market every year thanks to the efficient collection of glass, paper-cardboard and PMD.

Packaging management has evolved firmly in the direction of sustainable materials and ressource management. To this end, we work closely with all parties concerned: companies, federations, authorities, intermunicipalities, collection, sorting and recycling companies and the general public. Fost Plus was established in 1994 on the instigation of the industry and commerce, and operates in all three regions of the country. By joining the collective system of Fost Plus, packaging companies contribute to a more sustainable society and a cleaner world for all. www.fostplus.be